W Chinach zaczyna się festiwal psiego mięsa. Psy przechodzą tam katusze [18+]

Jutro w chińskim mieście Yulin rozpocznie się festiwal psiego mięsa, który co roku wzbudza ogromne kontrowersje. Wiele osób stara się ocalić skazane na śmierć zwierzęta - jednak nie wszystkie psy udaje się uratować.

Warning ! Please share ! The monsters aka human beings that allow this need to be stopped! I don't live my life in denial and I don't turn my head away from things and pretend it's not happening. If u have any heart please donate to this amazing organization! Yulin dog meat festival is 2 days away! We need to help Marc save as many dogs as he can. These dogs are tortured burned and skinned alive for the cold hearted disgusting meat fest. ##Reposting @animalhopeandwellness with @instarepost_app -- And nothing you do can change it. Not the words you breathe. Not the sweat you bleed to save them. . "It is like, why can't I take you away from it. Why can't I use my hands - and pull you out of darkness." . There have been multiple truck sightings, all making their way to Yulin. Loads carrying dogs by the hundreds. Lives that have been kidnapped from their families and stolen. . There is no salvation for the dying. No solace or tears, that we can give to the falling. For those that die along the journey, maybe that alone is their freedom. Their god that pulled them off the edge of the kill floor. . For those that are rescued and liberated out of slaughter. Let the tears that fall and stain the ground beneath, be the way in which you are remembered. . Hope... . (This video is of a transport carrying dogs from a slaughter house to the market so people can buy live dogs. We would have tried to seize the transport, but could not because at the time it was just Suki and I. . We are currently tracking five trucks heading to Yulin. Loads carrying a total of seven hundred plus dogs. Today we make a move to intercept the first, surrounding the transport, and pushing him off the road.) . www.animalhopeandwellness.org . #TheCompassionProject #Yulin2017 #MarcChing

A post shared by Joanna Krupa (@joannakrupa) on

Od 2009 roku w chińskim Yulin organizowany jest festiwal psiego mięsa. W tym roku, podobnie jak w poprzednich latach, rozpocznie się 21 czerwca i potrwa do końca miesiąca. Festiwal, w trakcie którego każdego roku w celach konsumpcyjnych zabijane jest od 10 do nawet 15 tysięcy psów, wzbudza ogromne emocje. I tym razem spotkał się z falą sprzeciwu ze strony obrońców praw zwierząt.

W Yulin również nie wszyscy popierają tę tradycję. Joanna Krupa, miłośniczka zwierząt i aktywna działaczka na ich rzecz, podzieliła się z internautami historią Marca Chinga, który dowodzi akcją uwalniania schwytanych i przeznaczonych na rzeź psów. To, w jakim stanie są ratowane przez niego zwierzęta ukazuje, jak zwyczaj jedzenia psiego mięsa daleki jest od cywilizacji.

Joanna Krupa apeluje: „Proszę, wpłacajcie pieniądze, podpisujcie petycje. Niech każdy zrobi tyle, ile potrafi. Musimy szerzyć świadomość dopóki nie nadejdzie dzień, który zakończy tę bestialską rzeź”.

Please share !!! The horrific nightmare we all thought one day will end is 2 days away but the torture has already started. Marc is one of the most amazing men on the planet and he saves as many as he can from the millions that get tortured every year but he can't save them on his own. Please donate , sign petition . Do whatever u can ! Have to continue spreading the awareness until the day comes when this evil blood bath has ended! #Reposting @katiecleary11 with @instarepost_app -- Today #MarcChing and his team from @animalhopeandwellness in #China rescuing dogs from the #Yulin Dog & Cat Meat Festival. May God Bless Marc & his team for the lives they have saved! ??? ??? Rescued last night from a slaughterhouse on the edge of Yulin. These dogs were being clubbed in the face, and skinned alive right in front us. . In the end we made the decision to save them. To spare the surviving, the fate of having to die from torture. . The transport just arrived at our shelter in Changsha. These dogs are in critical condition, and need support in order to stay alive. For those who are pro life, and disgusted with what happens in Yulin - this is a chance to give back. . A chance to help the victims. . (Note: This is the post, and the video are snippets from the Facebook Live we did earlier today as the dogs arrived at our shelter. . For those who would like to support their aftercare, you can donate at the link in my bio. There were 300 dogs that boarded the transport. Some died on their way to the shelter. The majority of them, in critical and emergency condition.)- - Pray For Them! ??? . #animalhopeandwellness #TheCompassionProject #MarcChing- - ? @worldanimalnews @peace_4animals

A post shared by Joanna Krupa (@joannakrupa) on

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