"Zostawcie Britney w spokoju!" ma już 10 lat! Pamiętacie?

Pamiętacie Chrisa Crockera i jego nagranie "Leave Britney Alone"? To było już 10 lat temu...

10 years ago on this day, I defended my favorite pop star against the media. While I'm known to do comedy: This was the one video that I was serious in. That year, my mom was battling addiction & became homeless after serving for our country in Iraq. The struggles in my home life and family life made me defensive over any woman going through a hard time. The internet and YouTube was a very different, less LGBT friendly place at the time. Nothing I said in the video was listened to. I was mocked for my femininity. I was called every gay slur in the book. Talk show hosts questioned if I was a man or woman, after playing the clip. I knew there was no way people would take me serious. So I decided that I would play up to the joke everyone thought I was. Realizing that telling them about what had actually triggered my emotional reaction (What my mom was battling) wouldn't be of interest to anyone. So I gave them a cartoon of what they assumed I was, in my public appearances afterward. But the truth is and always was about standing up for someone and not standing idly by when you see someone being hurt by others. In the 10 years since this video- A lot of LGBT Youtubers are celebrated for who they are. I often wonder if I had started videos later, if I would've been treated differently. But what I will say is this: Even if I got a public beating for standing up for what's right: Im happy I did. And I'll always love @britneyspears ?

A post shared by Chris Crocker (@itschriscrocker) on

W 2007 roku Chris Crocker opublikował na YouTube filmik, na którym płacze i apeluje, aby dać Britney Spears spokój. O co chodziło? Piosenkarka była wtedy w centrum zainteresowania mediów. Spowodowane to było wieloma skandalami z udziałem Britney. Przede wszystkich ścięciem włosów na łyso i walce o odzyskanie dzieci.

Fan piosenkarki, Chris Crocker, postanowił skomentować całą sytuacje wokół Britney. Na filmiku płacze i krzyczy: "Ona nie czuje się teraz dobrze. Dajcie Britney spokój, proszę!". Filmik był wtedy hitem, a Crocker stał się popularny!

Minęło już 10 lat... zobaczcie jak teraz wygląda!

Good Morning. You're beautiful. ?

A post shared by Chris Crocker (@itschriscrocker) on

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