Chorowała na anoreksję i mogła umrzeć! Dziś jest modelką!

Phoebe Combes miała 17 gdy zachorowała na anoreksję. Jej skóra pękała, miała wszędzie sińce i notoryczne krwotoki z nosa. Mogła umrzeć. Jej serce mogło przestać bić.

Dziewczyna trafiła do szpitala, gdzie założono jej sondę. Przez nią dostawała pokarm. Dziennie, oprócz sześciu posiłków aplikowano jej płynne jedzenie, które miało aż tysiąc kalorii! Przez chorobę przestała chodzić do szkoły, miała indywidualny tok nauczania. Przestała trenować też taniec, który był całym jej życiem. Zamknęła się w domu ćwiczyła i przygotowywała sobie niskokaloryczne jedzenie w postaci koktajlów. 

W australijskim szpitalu dziewczynka doszła do siebie. Dziś jest modelką. Otwarcie opowiada o ciężkiej chorobie, którą przeszła i namawia dziewczyny do zdrowego trybu życia.

10 weeks ago today I was admitted to Westmead hospital, through emergency diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, being dangerously underweight with a bmi of 12, at risk of my heart stopping with a very low heart rate, I was rushed to Cardiology ward for 2 nights, being fed through a tube that went up my nose down the back of my throat and into my stomach. This tube stayed there the whole time I was in hospital. I was then moved into the adolescent eating disorder ward, where I was led to believe I would be for 1 week, but I was there for 5 weeks. It was a horrible experience my family could only visit me at night for a few hours, and it was too far away from where all my friends live so I had hardly any visitors. For 2 of the weeks I was by myself and for the rest of the time there was only ever at most 3 others in the eating disorder ward. Over the 5 weeks that I was in hospital I had over 25 blood tests, sometimes 2-3 a day, tube feeds every night, nose bleeds, high temperatures from having the flu. 5 weeks ago I was discharged against doctor's advice, as staying in there was causing me more psychological harm than good at this stage. Over all I gained over 12 kilos and am now weight restored from being extremely underweight. I still have a long way to go but for now I am doing well, I am very focused on dancing and for that I have to stay healthy and strong. Thank you everyone who helped me and supported me to get through this. If you are struggling out there, or know someone who is PLEASE GET HELP. ?? #anorexiarecovery #dancerstrong

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Today marks one year since I was involuntary admitted into westmead hospital for anorexia, with a heart rate of 30, and a bmi of 12. With a nostalgic tube put through my nose down my throat into my stomach pumping feeds into me. Stuck in the cardiac ward for 2 nights, to then be transferred to the eating disorder ward for 5 weeks, where I had 3 blood tests daily, blood pressure checks three times a day, constant nose bleeds, vomiting and tube feeds every night, plus only getting to see my family for 2 hours in the evening. I can't thank enough to my family and friends around me for helping and supporting me so much, I seriously can't believe how far I have come in a year. Please do not take eating disorder lightly, if you are struggling or know someone struggling please get help! ? #anorexia #anorexiarecovery

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Stay hydrated kids ??

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My favourite! ? @sharkcookie

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Another one from my photoshoot ??? @sharkcookie

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? @sharkcookie

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY ???? @sharkcookie

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? #robeyrephotography

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? #robeyrephotography

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? #robeyrephotography

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Beach and acai bowls=happy girl ??

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A much needed beach trip after a crazy week ???

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Happy Chappy ???

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Puppy dog hair ?

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