
Sabrina Carpenter Espresso
sanah było, minęło
Alok, Jess Glynne Summer's Back

Co było grane?

Melanie Fiona Monday Morning
Karolina Stanisławczyk Cliché
Kaśka Sochacka Szum

Mężczyźni parodiują kobiety!

Grupa mężczyzn założyła zabawne konto na Instagramie "instBrosbeingbasic". Wrzucają na nie zdjęcia, na których parodiują kobiece zachowania. Na tym instagramowym profilu zobaczycie mężczyzn w strojach kąpielowych lub maseczkach na twarzy... Te naprawdę śmieszne selfie oddają doskonale klimat kobiecych fotografii.

Jak widać z poniższych zdjęć mężczyźni są dobrymi obserwatorami, nic nie umknie ich uwadze! Kobiety, miejcie się na baczności i... uważajcie co wrzucacie na Instagram! ;)

Snuck away to get #FirstDibs on bae's @FabFitFun fall box and it started raining. 😱 Good thing it came with this UHH-DORABLE umbrella! 😍☔️ #HowDidTheyKnow? #ItsLikeTheyHaveESPNOrSomething 💆🏼 Get your own box with $350+ worth of amazingness for just $40 using code 'basic' at fabfitfun.com, #YoureWelcome! 💁🏼 #BaeCaughtMeBoxin📦 #CantStopWontStop 🚦 #BestPresentsEver 🎁 #FullSizeBeautyProducts #IStayFlawless👸🏼 #TribeAliveBracelet 💎 #NotSureIfItWillFitTho #ThatsWhatSheSaid 😏 #Crest3DWhiteningSystem #TeethOnFleek😁 #GoldFacialMask #BoutToLookRichBITCH 👑 #StrengthTube + #LowerBodyToningDVD #CuzMyBodysTooBootyliciousForYaBabe👀🍑 #BrogaLife #PurplePurseCharm💜 for #DomesticViolenceAwarenessMonth 🙌🏽#AndSoMuchMore #MondayFabFitFunday #PlaiddyIssues #EmbraceTheRain 💧💧 #FrizzyHairDontCare 🙆🏼 #BrosBeingBasic ❤️ #FabFitFun (ladies, these are seriously the best boxes out there; and bros, gift this to your gal and thank us later) 🎀fabfitfun.com🎀

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Bae's #FabFitFun #SummerBox came and I'm taking first dibs, sshhhhh. 🙊 OMG this is definitely the best one yet. 🙌🏽 Snag your own at fabfitfun.com and get $10 off with code 'basic' (thru Aug 15). $250 worth of goodies for $39.99. 🎉🎉 #BaeCaughtMeBoxin #SkysOutThighsOut #IOnlyOpenPresentsWithMimosas #AdultOJ 🍹 #Its5oClockSomewhere #Its10amHere 😁 #DosesAndMimosas #ThisBoxTho #AllTheThings #TheyreUnisexRight? #WirelessSpeakerForPartyShowers🎊🚿 #JumpropeForCalfDay #SprayLotionForMySilkySmoothSkin #MassageSpongeForMyManlyMug 👨🏻 #GorgeLeaveInConditionerForMyAmazingHair 💆🏼 #EveryDayIsAGoodHairDay #StayHumble #APerfumeCalledSultry (#obvi) #SmellsLikeHeaven🙏🏼 #FinallyBaeCanStopWearingCKOne #HeadspaceGiftCard #LipGlossStrong #WrenNecklaceBecauseBling💎💎 #WaitWhatAreNailWraps? 💅🏽#WhoCaresImKeepingEverything 💁🏽#SorryNotSorry I LOVE @Fabfitfun 💜fabfitfun.com #BrosBeingBasic

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This has been me all day still emotional over this season's #TheBachelorette. 😨 #HowDidItComeDownToThoseTwo? 😳 #TeamBenH 😍 #BenIsBae #NoHomo #ButHeBetterBeTheNextBachelor #MCMEveryMonday #NickIsBasicAF #JustLookAtHisInstagram 😂 #ShawnLooksLikeRyanGosling #WithTheIQOfAFourthGrader 🙊 #SorryNotSorry #ThisIsTheFinalRose #BecauseIBrokeApartAllTheOthers 🌹🌹🌹🌹 #LayMeDownOnABedOfRoses #BonJoviFlow #FantasySuiteOnFleek #JustLeaveMeHereUntilTheBachelorStarts #ImNotHereToMakeFriends 🙅🏼👬 #PlusImDrunk #SwanGameStrong #Baecation #PuntaCana #DominicantGetOutOfBed #EmotionalWreck 😩 #BrbOrderingMoreRoomService #TacoTuesday #ToiletTuesday 🚽 #JustHereToFindLoveAndEatTacos #BrosBeingBasic via @adrian_flint

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I went to Thailand recently with my best bro and there's a beautiful saying that I learned there: Khun ben sung kung nung sun chun jai kai ma-dai mai bin chen. It means, "You are a part of me, a part that I could never live without. And I hope and I pray that I never have to." Khob-kun-Ka. 🙏🏽 #QOTD #NationalBestFriendDay 👬 #BridesmaidsAF #TeamHelen #ThaiOneOn #TravelBuddies #HandHeartStrong #LiveLaughLoveTravel #BeYourOwnMCM #BeautyInNature #SheepSeatsAndStrawberryOttomans 🐏🍓 #MushroomsOnFleek 💁🍄🍄 #AsianSensations 🍣 #LoveKohTao #TooBlessedToBeStressed #BroTanksInThailand #TravelFashion #Besties #BucketList #NextStopNorthKorea #PartyingWithKimJongUn #HesOurMCM #MemeQueen #MoveOverDennisRodman ✈️ #BrosBeingBasic via @th3venture

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