Poznajcie Esther - super świnię!

Esther jest prawdziwą gwiazdą sieci. Ma prawie 400 tysięcy fanów na Facebooku i przydomek The Wonder Pig. Na czym polega fenomen Esther? Oceńcie sami.

Właściciele Esther zapewne nie podejrzewali, że stanie się ona gwiazdą. Gdy ją kupili, byli przekonani, że jest miniaturową świnką i nie urośnie. Tymczasem Esther zaczęła robić się coraz większa i większa, aż urosła do rozmiarów jednej z największych zwierzęcych gwiazd sieci!

Sometimes I talk in my sleep. #SweetDreams

A video posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

I'm gonna need five more minutes.....

A video posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

Świnka waży obecnie ponad 300 kg i mieszka w domu ze swoimi właścicielami. Na Facebooku jej profil lubi prawie 400 tysięcy osób, zaś na Instagramie jest obserwowana przez blisko 200-tysięczną rzeszę ludzi. Jest z pewnością największą, jeśli nie jedyną gwiazdą swojego gatunku w Internecie. Może to właśnie o tę wyjątkowość opiera się jej fenomen.

Zobaczcie zdjęcia Esther The Wonder Pig!

One for you, one for Reuben, one for me, and another one for me. That's how we hand out treats around here. #pet #pig #treattime

A video posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

Let your smile change the world, but never let the world change your smile. #ThrowbackThursday #KindnessIsMagic

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

This photo was taken just hours after we met Esther for the very first time. She was really timid, her nails had been painted, and she wore a tattered pink collar. She looked so sad, and we were determined to fix her. As far as we knew, Esther was a "mini pig", and as you can see it was easy to believe that to be true. We fell madly in love with our little mini pig, and she immediately became part of the family. Then a bombshell hit when her vet told us "She's no mini pig, you've got a commercial sow on your hands!". We didn't know what to do with ourselves, for days we barely talked about it, but before long we had to address the ever larger "elephant" in the room. We loved Esther no question, she was a pet and a family member. She came when we called, she sat for her dinner, and she cuddled with us at night just like the dogs we had loved our entire lives. But Esther wasn't a dog, she wasn't even technically supposed to be a pet. She was supposed to be bacon. How could we possibly be so in love with a "farm animal", they're supposed to be stupid and mean. Esther must be different we thought, but no, she's not different, she's just a pig who was given a chance to show somebody how special she really was. She knew she was loved and she loved us back, just like any other pig would if we gave them the chance. With that we knew we could do better, we were going to live an "Esther Approved" lifestyle and we never looked back. This #ThrowbackThursday, we want you to take a minute to ask yourself if you can do better too. We have so many alternatives these days, and it's so much easier than you think. If we can do it, anyone can.

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

I'm being super lazy today. It's like normal lazy but I'm wearing a cape.

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

I finally landed my first modeling gig. #mycalvins

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

I like to get dressed up and go out with my friends.

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

The blizzard didn't hit our area this weekend, but I'm going to take the day off and call it a "snow day" anyway.

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

I'd like to go inside for some hot chocolate now please.

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

I had vegetable soup for lunch, and that makes me happy.

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

Happy Friday everyone, stay warm this weekend!

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

I could smell food, so I came to get some.

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

"No." -Consuela #pet #pig #toocold

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

My dad and I are so similar it's scary sometimes. #pet #pig #nsfw

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

You can't always have a good hair day.

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

#ThrowbackThursday to my dads first pair of Crocs, his fashion sense went right out the window the day they arrived.

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

Teach them kindness, it's the most important lesson they'll ever learn. #KindnessIsMagic #pig #pet

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

Stay cozy my friends. #pet #pig

A photo posted by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on

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